Monday, September 21, 2015

6 ways I stay balanced

6 ways I stay balanced

If you forgot to join me last week for the #BOSUStrong challenge or just weren’t up for the cardio, make sure you join me this week as it’s all about the balance! We’re standing on one leg, lunging, and BOSU squatting our way through the week.

But balance means more than just being able to stand on one leg, it also means being able to do what you love while making healthy choices at the same time. It means putting in the work and still finding time for YOU!. Or eating the brownie but balancing it out with a salad. Or do a brisk walk (workout) and pushups (workout) at home when you can’t make it to the gym.

Here are the 6 ways I stay balanced - what are yours?

I make time for myself by making my health a priority.
My favorite me time is catching up on a favorite show.
My rule when it comes to a balanced diet is everything in moderation.
I make fitness a priority by planning my workouts around work and kids activities at the beginning of the week so it's in my schedule.
When I get stressed or overwhelmed, my go to is cry, then get upside down or go for a run.
I do meal planning to help my family stay balanced.

Here are my fave 6 moves to help improve your balance:

  1.  Tree pose
  2.  Warrior pose (any)
  3.  Core work
  4.  One legged squats
  5.  Handstands
  6. Arm balances

    So I want to know - are you #BOSUStrong? Copy and paste the above, fill it in and make it your own and then tag me in it and share with your friends! Let’s all be #BOSUSTRONG.

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