Monday, September 28, 2015

Week 3: My 5 Fave Stretches and 3 Tips for Toning your legs!

Week 3: My 5 Fave Stretches and 3 Tips for Toning your legs!

I can’t believe its already week 3 of the #BosuStrong challenge, time flies when  you’re having fun! Last week we focused on balance and I was proud of myself for sticking with it and not letting a busy life get in the way. This week its all about stretching and toning – so make sure you join in on the fun!

Since we’re talking about stretching, here are 5 of my all time favorite stretches:

I love to stretch my legs by doing any variation of seated forward fold.
My favorite total body stretch is wheelpose.
I swear when I do standing wide legged forward fold, it feels like my hammies have never been stretched before. lol.
I stretch my mind by attempting new yoga poses.
I try to stretch out of my comfort zone by working on a stretch each day to help me get to where I want to be.

And if you’re looking for a great way to tone your legs, here are my fave 3 tips (tricks, advice, words of wisdom, etc):

Squat! Any variation will do. With weights, without weights, sumo, regular, front, back, it doesn't matter. Just squat! I do some form of squatting pretty much every day.

Work your inner and out thighs and glutes. Be sure to work both sides, not just one!

Curtsy lunges are my favorite lunge workout at the moment. I like adding 15 or 20 lb. dumbells to each hand and doing 3 sets of 10 on each side. 

So I want to know - are you #BOSUStrong? Copy and paste the above, fill it in and make it your own and then tag me in it and share with your friends! Let’s all be #BOSUSTRONG.

Monday, September 21, 2015

6 ways I stay balanced

6 ways I stay balanced

If you forgot to join me last week for the #BOSUStrong challenge or just weren’t up for the cardio, make sure you join me this week as it’s all about the balance! We’re standing on one leg, lunging, and BOSU squatting our way through the week.

But balance means more than just being able to stand on one leg, it also means being able to do what you love while making healthy choices at the same time. It means putting in the work and still finding time for YOU!. Or eating the brownie but balancing it out with a salad. Or do a brisk walk (workout) and pushups (workout) at home when you can’t make it to the gym.

Here are the 6 ways I stay balanced - what are yours?

I make time for myself by making my health a priority.
My favorite me time is catching up on a favorite show.
My rule when it comes to a balanced diet is everything in moderation.
I make fitness a priority by planning my workouts around work and kids activities at the beginning of the week so it's in my schedule.
When I get stressed or overwhelmed, my go to is cry, then get upside down or go for a run.
I do meal planning to help my family stay balanced.

Here are my fave 6 moves to help improve your balance:

  1.  Tree pose
  2.  Warrior pose (any)
  3.  Core work
  4.  One legged squats
  5.  Handstands
  6. Arm balances

    So I want to know - are you #BOSUStrong? Copy and paste the above, fill it in and make it your own and then tag me in it and share with your friends! Let’s all be #BOSUSTRONG.

    Monday, September 14, 2015



    Today I am embarking on a 4 week challenge with BOSU and Sweat Pink to prove to the world that I am #BOSUSTRONG. Being #BOSUSTRONG means I make fitness part of my everyday life, at home, out and about, and with my friends and family.I will squat, mountain climb, plank, push-up, lunge,  burpee and run my way to a stronger and healthier body. And I will encourage Bart and Jen to join me on this fun journey because we are one big, happy #FitFamily.
    Being #BOSUStrong is not just about movement, sweat, or even owning a BOSU, its about being a leader, an inspiration to others, and sharing my own fitness journey with others. It’s about not letting work and stress stand in my way of sweating and getting strong! The 5 things that make me #BOSUStrong are:

    My strong willpower.
    My ability to stick to a routine.
    My love for muscles :-).
    My healthy heart.
    And my children (showing them at an early age that exercise is important).
    So I want to know - are you #BOSUStrong? Copy and paste the above, fill it in and make it your own and then tag me in it and share with your friends! Let’s all be #BOSUSTRONG.

    Tuesday, September 8, 2015

    NoNips? Yes Please!

    Okay, this post is for all of you ladies out there.  I know many of you have been in the gym, looked in the mirror, and noticed that your headlights are on.....I know I have! It's quite embarrassing, especially when you're in a gym full of men.  I have so many sports bras that, even though they have a liner, they don't offer the support I need to keep me from these embarrassing situations.  I would avoid wearing certain sports bras because of this reason.  Now there is no reason to shove those sports bras in the back of your drawer!  Thanks to Move More Fitness and NoNips, I have been given the opportunity to review an amazing product that helps me feel more comfortable and more confident in the gym.

    When I first heard about this product, I giggled.  I mean really, review a product called NoNips?  But then I got them in the mail in their cute little white pouch (which you use to wash and store them in), and I put them in the thinnest sports bra I had.

    Left: Before NoNips                  Right: With NoNips

    I thought for sure you would be able to see them through the bra. I was wrong!  I was pleasantly surprised at how comfortable and invisible they were!  My next thought was that there was no way these things were going to stay put during my workout.  Again, I was wrong.  I've worn them to lift, run, jump, burpee, etc., and I haven't had any issues with them budging at all.  I've washed them several times, and they have maintained their shape perfectly.  And to top things off, NoNips draws moisture away from the body and is odor resistant! As you are awarel, that is a very important factor when you wear them to the gym.  However, they aren't limited to sports bras.  You can wear them with any type of bra, as well as cami's. If you are like me and have had several encounters with the girls showing their headlights at the wrong time, I highly recommend this product.  I guarantee you will LOVE them, and they won't let you down! Check out the website and order yours now for $19.99!

    Tuesday, September 1, 2015

    #LiveInPrana #7DayStretch

    Last week,  I completed the #7daystretch with prAna and Sweat Pink and could not be more proud. We stretched, bended our bodies, minds, and souls and came together to show how we truly #liveinprana!

    So in honor of our beautiful #7daystretch, here are 7 things you might not know about me:

    • I am wildly obsessed with chocolate.
    • I have a collection of workout tanks. Way too many. I can't seem to throw them out even if they smell!
    • I am secretly addicted to reality tv.
    • When I was 7, I wanted to be a veterinarian.
    • If I could do one thing today, it would be to get paid to work out :-)
    • I’ve always dreamt of living happily ever after. So far, so good!
    • My favorite way to travel is with my family. Anywhere we go together, I'm happy.

    Join in on the fun! I tag Amy, Denise, and Alexandra to tell me 7 things I didn’t know about you! Just fill in the blanks, tag @prana @fitapproach & use the hashtags #liveinprana #7daystretch #sweatpink and spread the love. Tag your friends, readers, followers…whoever’s listening!