Monday, February 27, 2017


"Four eyes." "She's so flat." "Her nose is too big." "Where's that booty at?" "I don't want to be that big." Look at this cellulite.....I'm so fat.....Why can't I lose weight? Crazy how it used to be others that pointed out my flaws - and now, I am my biggest bully - my worst critic. I can't seem to see beyond the cellulite, stretch marks, and saggy skin. While others point out my muscles, I look in the mirror and see fluff and flab. I go back and forth between wanting to be skinny, and wanting to be strong.  I love the way I looked when I was thinner, but I love the way strong feels.

I have been struggling so much lately. Ever since I started working full-time again, even though I'm keeping up with my workouts, I'm sitting behind a desk for 8 hours a day. Because of that, I have gained some weight that I can't seem to get off. I am eating better than I ever have been. Struggling to get my hours in and get my workouts in, all while trying to make time for my family. I've been in the mind-frame lately, asking myself, "Why?" Why do I continue to fight to get the gym or to get my runs in when I'm still not happy with how I look? When I still have to be on cholesterol medication despite a mainly healthy diet and several hours of exercise each week? What's the point?

I have never struggled this much with my motivation, since the beginning of my fitness journey. I find myself waking up, dreading my workouts. Why am I doing it if I don't enjoy it and I'm still gaining weight and needing to be on medication? I have been telling myself that I really just want to quit. I would have so much extra time in my life to keep my house clean, to spend time with my family, and to MAYBE even be able to have friends again.

 I go through these funks every so often. But then, out of nowhere, I am somehow reminded of why I fight to get my workouts in. Why I need to Kill The Quit, and keep doing what I'm doing. I see how much my daughter loves to be active. How she's constantly moving, tumbling, jumping, and wanting to work out in our home gym with me. And lately, I've seen the desire in my son to want to take the step to make fitness a part of his lifestyle. If my husband and I didn't do what we do each day, then our son would have never came to me and asked me to show him exercises to do. I would never hear him downstairs on the treadmill, getting in his cardio. THAT is what is important to me. I want my kids to WANT to be healthy and fit. I want them to make their health a priority, because I absolutely want them to outlive me and to live long, healthy lives. I get messages from friends and family, asking for advice on how to get started. And I see their progress. And that is all I need to remember why being fit and healthy is important to me.

Yes, I want to enjoy the benefits of the workouts for myself, but motivating others to get healthy is what keeps me going. No more waking up each day and dreading my workouts. I am going to do everything I can to start loving it again.

Sometimes, we just need to change things up to find that passion and motivation again. I'll be changing gyms this week, which is exciting in itself. Closer to home, which means more time at home, as well as new equipment to play with. Dedicating my time to more play, which for me, means more yoga.

I rearranged my workouts and gave myself an extra rest day, so I'm working out 5 days a week instead of 6. I'm taking the steps that I need to take to make sure that not only my body is healthy, but my mind is too. New running shoes, new workout clothes, and new supplements are always exciting to people like me. If you're currently in one of those funks, try changing even the slightest thing, and I promise it will help. Just don't quit. It's always so much hard to start again than it is to push through a slump.

From posting my workouts on social media, I am often given the opportunity to try to fitness products and spread the word about the things  I love.  That is another reason for me to continue to push through any funks that I may be in and keep going. Recently, I was given the opportunity to taste and pass out a recovery drink called Kill Cliff. This drink is not only delicious, but the lemon lime tastes like soda and it gives me the energy I need after my workouts in the cleanest, safest way possible. Not only that, but there is only 15-20 calories per can, no sugar, and the company gives back to the Navy SEAL Foundation. As a military family, that is definitely an important factor to me.  This drink is seriously something I see myself purchasing on a regular basis.  It's a great replacement of soda for my kids, and let me tell you - it gives you SO much energy.  I could have went for another run after drinking this, and that was after I already worked out.  If you're looking for a kick to help you keep up your energy, give Kill Cliff a try. You can sign up for their newsletter and get 15% off your first order, or you can purchase on Amazon. Trust me when I say I am not selling this stuff, and I do not receive a profit if you buy it - but I can't recommend it enough.

And just remember:

Quitting is not an option!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of KILL CLIFF. The opinions and text are all mine.